Product/ Brand Classification of Items

Item Code with Barcode Facilities

Minimum Order Quantity – Branch Wise

Generate Barcode Labels Using Printers of Any Manufacturer

Provision to Enter Stock Units as Physical Units

Product/ Brand Classification of Items

Stock Transfers between Branches with Acknowledgement

Special Product Category Classification

Maintain Inventory with Serial Numbers

Branch Wise Inventory with Godown Options

Multi Units of Measurement

Provision to Maintain Goods in Transit


Sales Order

Receive orders from customers along with scheduled date of delivery

Convert Sales Orders into Sales DC/Invoices

Report on Sales Order and its Status

Purchase Order

Purchase Orders with Expected Date of Delivery for Individual Items

Generating Purchase Orders Also Based on Received Sales Orders

Purchase Orders with Approval

Internal Branch Order

Generate or Process Internal Stock Orders

Internal Stock Order to Stock Transfer Conversions

Reports to View Orders received vs Orders Processed


Multi Terminal Billing

Interaction with Credit Card Billing Equipment

Automatic Free Item Allocation

Sales Billing with EMI and Interest

Report on Jobs Scheduled for Service

Cash/Credit/Third Party Finance Billing

Credit Limit/Credit Period Validation for Dealers for Individual Product Lines

Sales With / Without DC and Delivery Order

Service — Keep Track of Spares for Jobs and Raise lnvoice

Financiers API Integration

Credit Card Swipe API Integration

E-Wallets API Integration

Invoice/Item Wise Salesperson Inputs


Price Templates - Party Wise/Region Wise/Grade Wise

Validation Based on Minimum Selling Price/Cost Price/Landing Price for Sales

Branch Wise Price for Individual Items

Seasonal Price

Cost Price — Average Cost Price

Automatic Calculation of SP Based On Individual Suppliers - Profit Margin

Trade Additions/Deductions Templates — Taxes and Discounts

Automatic Configuration of Price Temp. Based On Formulas and Round Factors

Maintenance of Price Fluctuations

Price Calculation Tool to Derive Pricing Based On Any Given Formula

Cost Price — Basic Cost + Any Additions — Any Deductions


Purchase Voucher Date and Bill Date Maintenance

Purchase and Stock Transfer to other branches

Receipt of Items in DC's and then regularizing them Into a Purchase Bill

Auto Generation of Serial Numbers

Purchase Return With Stock Type - Saleable/Non Saleable

Purchase Return Action - Issue Debit Note

Purchase Return Action - Returnable and Pending Status


Purchase and Sales Schemes

Schemes and its Credit Vs Debit note follow-up

Free Scheme and Status Reports for the same

Schemes - Quantity/Percentage/Turnover/Point — Items/Product Groups/Supplier

Stock Compensation Claims and Publicity Expenses and Claims

Credit Note Worksheet for Dealers — Benefits based on Payments

Salesperson Incentive Template Creations

Salesperson Target Vs Acheivements


Cash/Bank Books

Conventional and Manual Book Formatted Ledgers

Monthly Summary of Accounts and Account Groups

Bank Reconciliation — With Bank Date Option

Credit Card Realization and Tracking

Day Book — Sales/Purchase/4 Column Cash/Bank Day Book

Voucher Summary — with Grouping

FA Statements — Tb, P&L, Bs, Balance Summary of Groups

Post Dated Cheques — Issue and Receipt



Serial Number History

Stock History of Items with Document Numbers

Product/Brand/Item Wise Branch Wise Stock Reports

Stock to Sales with Percentage Of Sales

Stock Ageing — With User Definable Age

List Of Serial Numbers In Hand Of Individual Items

Stock Internal Transfer/Receipts Reports



Gross Profit Calculation — Cost Price/Landing Price

Month Wise Purchase/Sales

Quarterly/Half-Yearly Comparison with Growth %

GOLY — Growth Over Last Year with Growth %

Product/Brand Matrix Reports

Report On Bill Value Discrepancy

Report On Trade Additions and Deductions

Purchase Vs Sales Reports


Payment of Report with Over Due and Ageing Options

Payment of Considering Post Dated Cheques

Payment Collection Report — Salesperson/Region

Collection Reports Including Cheques Bounced

Cheques/DD Collected/Issued Over a Period

Unrealised Cheques/DD in Hand

Cheques Bounced Over a Period

Party Wise Cheques Collection


Customer Information — Name, Address, DOB, DOA, Contact Info and Remarks

Printing of Labels in Any User Defined Format

Letter Templates and e-Mail Facilities for the same

Salesperson Performance Monitoring Based 0n Sales and Sales Return

Bulk Mailers — Based on Sales Criteria

Generating Customer List Based on Any Customer Information/Sales Criteria

Search Customers Based on Any Telephone Numbers

Salespersons Reach and Un-reach



Import Data from Text Files/Excel/Access/Dbase/Foxpro

[Customers, Dealers, Item/Models, Suppliers]

Export Data to Excel / Text Files

Export Customer Details to Other Companies

Serial Number Activation Tracking Using Excel


Dynamic Report Options

Print Using Windows — Fonts and Pixels

Print Using Dos Mode — Normal and Condensed Mode

Support for both 80 Col And 132 COI Papers — Dos Mode

Facilities to Export to Excel & Mail Reports

Save Reports and Fast Retrieval of the Same

Save Reports in Text/Tab Delimited Format


All Document Printing can be Designed using the APX Tools

Any Number of Format Settings Can Be Maintained For Individual Data

(Plain Paper Pre-Printed, Half Page, Full Page...)

Facilities to Print Dos Based Programs In Network Printers

(With Out Having Any Printer Server Softwares)

Cheque Printing Facility

Bulk Printing of Inventory/Accounting Documents


Maintenance of Voucher Numbers Without Mismatch In Doc. Dates

Reorder Voucher Numbers

Facilities to Control Back Logging Days

Facilities to Freeze Data after Completing Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly Audit

Configure Trade Additions and Discounts to Ledgers

Negative Cash Balance Control


User Defined Tax Class & Tax Templates

VAT Summary

VAT Forms

VAT Annexure

GST Summary





Inventory Management

Multiple Stores/Division/Godown Management

Schemes & Targets Management

Exchange/Buy Back Management

Vouchers & Master Approval Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Image Upload - Documents & Masters

Dash Boards - User Defined Report Creation

Store Managers & Salespersons Incentive

Information Interchange Interface (III)

Customers Walk in/Missed Tracking

Accounting Management

Store Rent Management

Cash Expense Management

Gift/Free Issues Management

Auto Mailing – Documents

Physical Stock Taking

Day Closer Management

Import/Export - Masters

User Managements

Service Managements

Android Mobile App

Whatsapp API Integration

Order Processing

SMS Management

Financier Management

Document Auditing

Task Activity Manager

TDS Management

VAT & GST Returns

MIS Reports

Restful API

E-Invoice Integration

E-Way Bill Integration


APX Solution Developed by dynamic professionals with excellent qualifications, APX had a definite purpose for its existence viz., to provide apt solutions to the ever-dynamic and challenging Retail and Distribution industry.

Retail and Distribution industry which ensures, the physical reach of the various products produced at one or few locations to the innumerable end-users cutting across various geographical regions, is complicated by its very nature. With numerous layers involved, this truly dynamic industry needs solutions not only with the same dynamism but the solutions should be simple, practical and cost effective. With a clear understanding of these facts APX aims to provide the ultimate solutions addressing the numerous complications involved.